[July 26, 2024] I am co-organising a workshop on RL theory & practice at ICML 2024.
[June 26, 2024] My paper on preference elicitation for offline RL is out on arXiv.
[June 3, 2024] I am back at Google as a Research Intern, working on RLHF and reward modelling for Gemini.
[Jan 22, 2024] My paper on synthetic preference generation, based on work during my internship at Google, is out on arXiv.
[Jan 16, 2024] My paper on delphic offline RL is accepted to ICLR 2024.
[Dec 10, 2023] My paper on embeddings for clinical time-series is accepted to ML4H 2023.
[July 28, 2023] I presented my paper on delphic offline RL at 3 ICML workshops and at EWRL (including an oral!).
[May 30, 2023] I will be spending six months as a Student Researcher at Google Zürich, working with Aliaksei Severyn on RL methods to improve LLM training. Super excited!
[April 24, 2023] My paper on Temporal Label Smoothing is accepted to ICML 2023. See you in Hawaii 🌺🏝
[March 1, 2023] My Master’s student got his paper on Trajectory Representation & Clustering accepted at the ICLR TSRL4H Workshop. Congrats Haobo!
[Sept 1, 2022] I was featured in the latest NZZ Folio (major Swiss newspaper): These young people are building our future.
[Jan 28, 2022] My paper on Interpretable Imitation Learning has been accepted to ICLR 2022 as spotlight (5% acceptance rate)!
[Sept 29, 2021] I have been awarded a Distinction for my Machine Learning MPhil at Cambridge (top 2-3 students in cohort).
[Sept 15, 2021] I have started my PhD at the ETH AI Center in Zürich.